
She wasn’t my mom,

but in many ways,

she was like my mom.

She was also my friend.20170227_115727_14882147945763

Sadly, she’s gone now,

but at peace.

She wasn’t suffering,

She was ready.

One hundred years

Is a lifetime

A life fully lived.

Full of laughter, love, and heartbreaks.

The heartbreaks never stopped Therese,

She always moved forward,

Enjoyed life and did for others.

To understand Therese

Is to know that she came from an era

that always did the best with what they had.

And she did.

She had everything she needed and wanted.

She didn’t drive,

But that never stopped her from going places.

Therese was never one to stand still,

She was always moving, doing and thinking…

She was a powerhouse, she was independent.

Therese loved life, people, family, and friends.

She was smart, she had opinions,

and she wasn’t afraid to let you know them.

Women like Therese are few and far between

And I am thankful that she came into my life.

I will always remember her motto…

“Live life, go places, see things”.

You will be missed, but you are with your loved ones now,

And I’ll never forget you.

Loly Mireles

July 30, 2018



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As a chaperone to 22 lovely young students in Costa Rica, I find myself with a lot of free time to do things that I don’t care to do.  In retrospect, I should have brought my grading to do, as it would have given me something of worth to do instead of wandering around aimlessly trying to find things to do.  Maybe I’ll just read for pleasure for the next 45 minutes before I need to go back to the school.  Below are my thoughts as I was walking around without direction or destination.

It’s windy,

I’m cool.

I’m walking


with nowhere

to go.

different sights,

different sounds,

are not the same

when you’re alone.

-Loly Mireles
February 21, 2018


Our TIME  


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Seven years ago,

We shared our first valentine.

It seems so long ago

and yet time has

swiftly gone by.

In my head

are pictures of

the places we’ve been to

the things we’ve done

the laughter we’ve shared.

They say time flies

when you’re having fun…

and I am.

They say

time is relative

when you’re with the right person…

and I am.

They say time is the indefinite

continued progress of existence

in the past, present, and future.

I can tell you with all my heart,

that I cherish all our past time together,

I revel being in the presence of you,

and I look forward to our future time together.

With all my heart and soul,

I dedicate this to you, the man in my life,

my best friend, my lover, and soulmate.


Loly Mireles-Meyer

February 14, 2018

Werner and I.beach (2)

Saying Goodbye


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In less than a year, two of my beloved aunts and uncle passed away.  They were the last of the older generation.  In speaking to my cousin, and hearing what he was going through as he culled through a lifetime of possessions, I remembered what it was like for me when my dad, then my mom passed away.  They were gone, but left behind was everything they had once owned.

Going through all their personal belongings makes you say goodbye again and again.  You remember all the little things; like how your mom always saved special dishes for the “right occasion” or your dad had more than enough ties that were never used.  Then you find the little mementos that were important to them, like your baby tooth, or your report cards.

When a loved one dies, you don’t say goodbye once.

The hardest part

of saying goodbye

to a loved one

is saying it over and over again.

Everything that ever was them,


you say goodbye  to again.

You say goodbye again as you hold it in your hands,

and remember how they once were.


has a way of softening

the hard edges of pain.

Leaving soft images of what once was.

What is left,

are indelible memories

In your heart.

Loly Mireles

August 2017

My new home


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Today I am alone,

but not in a bad way…

no one is home,

husband is at his new job,

daughter is at hers.

My company…

is my music.

Breakfast is done,

dishes are clean,

counter-top is clean,

did I mention that I LOVE my counter-top?

it is made of quartz,

the color is perfect.

Did I mention that I LOVE my new home?

When we walked into the house

on that open house day,

I immediately felt an affinity for it.

There was nothing I did not like about this house.

This house was made for me…

it’s not perfect, but it’s perfect for me.

It has character.

It’s classic.

All our old stuff found a place in our new home.

Nothing seemed out of place,

everything fit perfectly somewhere,

and slowly but surely

we are doing the little things, or big

that is making this house better

and more of our own.

We will take care of this home,

as we are only the stewards.

Some day in the future,

this home will make another family

as happy as we are,

until that day,

I will care for my home,

love it and cherish it.


Loly Mireles

July 14, 2016


How do you feel about your home?  Do you love it?  Is it HOME?
